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The neutron source
The second
hypothesis differing from Quantum Mechanics only in concept, does not contradict the mathematical and experimental developments
of science as it is understood today.
I am proposing in
this paper a new atomic model constructed on its premises. Only a computerized model, I believe could reveal if this
concept is viable or not, but if so, many of the unanswered questions (like gravity, action at a distance and the aspects
of the electromagnetic waves) can be resolved and clearly understood.
As shown in chapter 13 the Planck constant h can be equated to the intensity of the field at rest; the constant of
gravity G can be understood as the force of action exercised by an infinitesimal universal Particle of the field substance;
the Boltzman constant k represents the velocity of transition of a proton source at zero degree Kelvin and at the pressure
of one atmosphere.
I assumed the dimension of the spherical
source of the Electron and the Neutron to be respectively
re = 10-24 m .
rN = 12 x 10-24= 1.2 x 10-23 m.
Through a geometrical analysis we can demonstrate why,
in the new atomic model proposed, the intensity impulses generated by a Neutron source must become prisoners around its center
at a determined distance. (see drawing at conclusion )The dimension of an atomic nucleus was experimentally determined by
Rutherford to vary from 10-15 m. TO
10-20 m.
In describing the dynamic disturbauces generated in
the field by localized energy, I limited my observations to the electron and the positron sources. The same laws that are
governing the dynamics of the Electron and Positron sources must also apply to the Neutron and Proton. Envisioning the Neutron
as a source of energy acting through its Intensity impulses and Implosion waves on the Field particles, in line with those
previously described, we must examine the known physical characteristics that differentiate it from the Electron. The Neutron
has a mass approximately 1836 times heavier than the E-lectron, carries no electric charge and combine with other Neutrons
and Protons to form the atomic Nucleus. According to the laws that we previously have attributed to the Field, the volume
of the source comprehended by the Neutron sphere must also be 1836 times the size of an Electron's. In comparing with
an Electron the difference in energy and size presented by the Neutron we can determine its particular mechanical characteristics,
The energy of the Electron source Ee is known to be:
Ee = 0.51 x 106 eV
With a radial dimension of:
re = 10-24 m its comprehensive physical volume is equal to:
Ve =4.188 x 10-72 m3 Volume of
an Electron source
The Neutron
source with a mass and therefore a volume physical characteristics.
1836 times the Electron must have the following
VN = 1836 x 4.188 x 10-72 m3
VN = 7.69 x 10-69 m3
rN = CR(7.69 x l0-69) / 4.188
rN = 1.22 x 10-23 m
rN = 12.2 x 10-24 m = 12.2 x re in m..
The energy of a Neutron source is 1836 times Ee or approximately
I GeV. A Neutron source must have a spherical volume with a radius 12.2 times greater than the Electron. If the Electron radius
is made equal to one, the dimension dei identifying the wavelength of the first Neutronic implosion wave shifting into
the source is equal to 0.2599211 x re. If we assume that a part of the electron source comprehending a spherical volume of
radius equal to rVv =3 x 119'99211 x re (re equal to one) does not participate in the implosion, the wavelength dei will
be exactly 0.25 times the
radius. The volume Ve of the Electron source is 4.188 x 10-72 m3 . The volume Vev of the non-imploding
volume of the Electron source is 4.188 x 0.00992113 x re 3 = 4.188 x 106 x 10
-72 m 3 Vev = 1
Ve Vev = 4.188 x 3.009.92111 3
= 4.188 x 10 -6 =
4.188 x 10 -6 Vev = 10 -6 Ve
re taken as 1
The volume VN of the Neutron source is 4.188 x 10 -69 m 3
The volume VNv of the non imploding volume of the Neutron source is 4.188 x1 0 ^-17 3 x re 3 =
= 4.188 x 0.005 x re 3 = 0.02 x re 3
= 0.02 x 10 -72m^3 = 2 x 10 -74 VNv = l0 -5 VN. In the Neutron source the first
imploding wave dNi is equal to12.2 x 0.2599 x re
= 3.17 x re; if we assume that dNi is equal to 3, (12 electronic waves of dimension equal to 0.25 x re); the non
imploding volume of a Neutron source must than be equal to:
VNv = 10 -5 VN
EN = 1836 x 0.51 x 106 e V approximately
1 GeV
The Neutron non imploding volume is 10-5 time smaller than its whole.
In describing the Electron source we made the assumption that the dimension dei equal to 1/4 of its radius represents a fundamental
linear dimension unit and that the time taken by an electromagnetic wave to traverse it represents also a fundamental unit
of time that we indicated as i.
0.25 x 10 -24 m / 10 10 m / sec = 0.25 x 10 -34 sec
i = 2.5 x 10 -33 sec
I also advanced the hypothesis that the intensity impulse of an Electron source
is composed of four pulses of positive intensity each possessing an energy equal to 0.255 x 106 / 4.i88 eV or 0.063
eV. Adding up to an intensity impulse with a frequency of 4 i, separated from the following by 4 instants i adding up
to a total wavelength of 12X10-24 m, The Neutron intensity impulses are similar to the Electron, but since
the Neutron source radius is: 12.2 x 10-24 m its waveiength must
be that much longer while its intensity is 1836 times stronger. The Neutron source will also implode at a frequency
12 times longer than the Electron. I assumed that the Neutron intensity impulses are also composed of four pulses with an
intensity of 1836 x 0.063 eV = 1.15 x 10-24eV and a wavelength equal to 12 x 10-24 m.
These physical differences in size and timing distinguishing
the Neutron from the
Electron result
in a different dynamic behavior affecting the dimension and trajectory of its intensity impulses. The intensity impulses generated
by the Neutron are interfered in their trajectory by pulses of energy
possessing a time of action 12 time longer than those found in the electron, a condition that will as a consequence contain
the generated Neutron Intensity pulses into a circular orbit around the
source. (see Conclusion)This event must make the Neutron intensity impulse's prisoner around the source
for as long as the implosions are occurring. The action generated by the implosion forces on the trajectory of the Neutron
intensity impulses results, in the same phenomenon observed by the astronomers in the cosmic black holes and Neutron stars.
We assume that the radius of the cIrcular orbit of the Neutron impulse's trajectories must be equal to
10-20 m, a dimension characterizing the approximate size experimentally
found for the nucleus of Hydrogen (or any Proton). This dimension is 104 time larger than the Neutron source radius
that I asswned to be in the range of 12. x 10-24 meters. As I indicated, the type of charge of the generated impulses
is predicated on the direction of gyration of the plane XY around the Z axis that can be clockwise or counterclockwise. The
Electronic pulses radiate into the field at first in a spiraling trajectory while in the immediate vicinity of the source
and then proceed in a linear direction where their trajectory is influenced from then on only by gravity waves possessing
a force so small that can be detected only in events of cosmic proportion. In the Neutron the intensity impulses are kept
captive around the source at a distance trom its center of 10-20 m by the action of its strong implosion waves
and since their action cannot be felt farther than that, no charge can be detected in its vicinity. Due to the strong action
of these intensity impulses interfering with the velocity vector on the Neutron Z axis, a change in its direction
will occur. The change of direction occurring in stages will conduct the Neutron in an opposite direction from the original
in a gyration around a hypothetical axes that, in order to distinguish it from the X axis I will call now"T
". {Due to the great pulses of energy achieved by the Neutron intensity impulses and to their interference with the
Neutron velocity vector (see Chapter 8) : The velocity and direction of that vector will progressively change, conducting
the Neutron into an additional gyration around the X axis that I will now I will call T (see drawing).}
We have already indicated that in the Neutron source
the first implosion wave and radiated pulses have a linear dimension equal to dNi each pulse radiating on the plane XY contained
by the implosion forces on that plane, but in consequence of the mentioned rotation on the T axis each pulse must maintain
naw a circular orbits contained in a plane. As a consequence of this rotation each orbit must take place on a dimension characterizing
the approximate size experimentally found for the Nucleus of Hydrogen. We can visualize a space time construction of a sphere
of radius equal to 10-20 m, its surface (in a similarity with the globe of the earth and its meridian lines) enveloped
by the orbits of its energy pulses contained in that configuration by strong implosion forces.(see sketch). Just like the
meridian lines of the Earth globe are meeting at the poles the orbits of the Neutron intensity impulses meet at two
extreme opposite points of the sphere. It is at these two point where all of the energy pulses orbits meet where occurring
interferences necessarily will cancel each other intensity, keeping the Neutron energy self contained and neutral.
When a Neutron will absorb through radiation additional
energy, the transitional velocity on its axis will increase. This condition ( as I found to be true for the Electron)
can be detected as an increase in temperature. I must also explain how, in the conceived new atomic model, the Neutrons interact
with other Neutrons and Protons to form an atomic Nucleus.
The action of the implosion waves producing a strong field shift will keep the sphere created by the rotating intensity
impulses in a constant spherical configuration. When two Neutron sources approach at a critical distance from each other of
10-20 m, or at distance equal to 104 time the Neutron source radius, the respective intensity impulses
will be diverted into each source and absorbed This action will increase the total energy of the Neutrons of an amount proportional
to the additional intensity received. The added energy input, felt by each Neutron source will alter the dynamic action by
increasing its transitional velocity on the T axis. Due to the reciprocal forces exercised by the implosion waves the sources
will as a result revolves around each other maintaining a reciprocal distance from each other center. (See chap. 18) The reciprocal
strong attracting force exercised by the implosion waves can be equated to the strong force detected in particle physics and
can explain the natural accretion of the sources in the creation of atomic nuclei and molecules. The energy necessary to separate
these sources incorporated into a nucleus and contained by the generated implosion forces can only be found in radioactivity
or in the atomic fission phenomena observed.